Making waves | Men's fashion, lifestyle and travel blog

The B Brief, the column section for my opinions on fashion news+life+culture

Making waves

Making waves


Afternoons do not get much better than this. Three hours on a yacht sailing around the Barcelona coastline with ASOS. Welcome aboard.






Fred Perry (via ASOS)

Ribbed pique polo in off white


Vintage style neckchain in gold


Italian seersucker trousers


Navy swim shorts



Where city meets sea, and mid afternoon naps are a thing. Barcelona was my destination last week to hangout with the ASOS team. I was invited along to spend two nights in the Catalonian city and I had no hesitation in extending my summer just that little bit longer. The trip came at the right time for me where work has been quiet and my camera has been in for repair. The summer months can sometimes go quite slow from a blogging perspective, so it was perfect timing to be around others again.

The next day after I touched down we all went for brunch and there was such an air of calm in Barcelona and a geared down approach to living in a city. Then in the afternoon, something that’s definitely not my usual mid-week setting was an afternoon on a boat sailing around the coastline of Barcelona - if someone is able to make this a regular thing then I’m listening.

I was able to pick a couple pieces from the ASOS website prior to touching down in Barcelona and this Fred Perry polo shirt in pique cotton had just enough of a nautical touch without going too overboard on the ‘I’m on a boat’ aesthetic. Off-white seems to be my vice this year and I seem to be instantly drawn to anything in this shade.

Mikko was on hand to help me take a few photos and for those of you who don’t read his blog, you really need to head over. We both have a mutual appreciation for blogging and I look up to his work a lot when planning my own content.

Where I think ASOS comes into my buying and styling habits is having a website which stocks clothes that I can slip into my existing wardrobe to add that standout piece and have that slightly more fashion forward approach when I want to refresh my suitcase ever so slightly. Case in point, selecting the Fred Perry polo to go with my long-standing seersucker trousers. For me, they also have some pretty good choices when it comes to Cuban collar shirts (read: this incredible Wood Wood shirt) and then on top of that a couple extra pairs of shorts were needed, as my wardrobe is primed for the winter. If you let it, ASOS can be a maze so do yourself a favour and make the most of the filters.

Thank you to Hayley and Louisa of ASOS for an incredible couple of days away in a city that taught me that life does not have to be busy 24/7 and that we should make the most of our downtime when given the opportunity to.

Photography by Mikko Puttonen


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