Jordan Bunker

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Home for the Summer and Reflecting

It’s times when I’m sitting on the train back from London where I get a chance to sit and think. Here's a little life update.

Since university ended, I started working the day after, so there hasn’t been much time to reflect on events that've happened in the past few months. I thought today might be a good chance to write a post about everything. It's not what I normally write, but I think everyone should reflect on things when they can.

Working at British GQ was an invaluable four weeks at Easter where I learnt so much. I met so many new people and truly understood the standard required to work at somewhere like GQ. It's kind of given me a goal so to speak, now knowing what's expected from me. I'm now writing for them from home which is really humbling, but I want to be able to find myself back in the office at some point.

That was back in Easter so after that I was straight down to Bournemouth and thrown into exams. I probably learnt a lot myself in my final last term as well. I’ve always classed myself as independent and more than happy to get on with things on my own, but with a couple things happening in my life and living in an empty house for a month whilst my friends were back home, made me realise that I probably enjoy spending time with friends and family a little more than I let on. And with second year now over, it’s scary to think I only have one year left. This time next year I won't be a student, I'll be trying to find a job and that scares the hell out of me.

Realising how important third year is going to be, I think I’m going to slow things down outside of university. I’ve always been one for spreading myself quite thinly and placing just as much importance on the things I do outside of the degree, if not more, but with it being my final year I want to make sure I get it right. So that might mean slightly less time for blogging and trips to London here and there, but my blog is something I want to enjoy doing, not something to stress about. I think most bloggers would say the exact same.

So whilst I’ve got more time on my hands now, I have plenty of cool things to share with you on the blog this summer and the photo of me on today’s post is just a little teaser. Earlier in the week I did a quick photoshoot with the very talented Joseph Galvin. He’s one of those male blogger types, like myself, and he’s currently working on building up his portfolio. I’ll be sharing the photos from the shoot next week, but for now make sure you have a look at Joe’s blog!

I hope everyone’s enjoying their summer so far and had a chance to reflect on things for themselves. We all moan about where we live, but when it's been a long time, it's always nice to be back.