Jordan Bunker

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New Year's Resolutions 2015

Three goals for 2015

A belated happy New Year! I hope you all had a great Christmas with your families. The holidays always seem to just go by fast and by the end of them you can’t even remember what you’ve been up to. It's the first Monday of the New Year and everyone is back to work and university. I’m now back in Bournemouth for the new term and it’s scary to think that I’m halfway through my degree. Gone are the home comforts of food, family and heating and instead, the return of cold rooms and endless coursework.

This blog post is a little motivational post for myself I guess because I want to set myself a few New Year’s resolutions, something I’ve never actually done before. Loads of people set them, but I hear of many failed attempts within the first few weeks that I’ve never really done any. I’ve thought of three resolutions for 2015 that I hope I’ll be able to keep:

1. Get Fit

I’m quite lucky in the fact that I eat a lot of crap and somehow not put on any weight, which means I have no motivation to go out and exercise, especially when I have so much work on. When I was younger I used to take part in pretty much everything and now I do literally nothing. So I really want to start exercising again, just a couple of runs a week down by the beach to start with and see how that goes.

2. Blog Goals

Last year saw me start this blog and I’m really happy with how it’s going so far. It’s overwhelming to be contacted by like-minded creative people and brands that want to collaborate and work with me, it’s a great feeling. In 2015, I’d love to grow my readership. Now I’m not exactly sure how I’m planning on doing that - so please let me know if you have any suggestions as to how I can do it - but from what I’ve read it’s just a case of persistence and making sure I’m making good content, which is exactly what I aim to do.

3. Travelling

A friend and me have decided to go travelling next summer around South East Asia and I’m excited for it already even though it’s ages away. It’s hard not to get carried away when I’m reading travel blogs and watching videos about travelling all the time. I need to save a lot of money for it though so I just need to be stricter with myself this year when it comes to spending money on clothes and unnecessary things whilst I’m at university.

These are my three New Year’s resolutions for 2015! I’m hoping I’ll be able to achieve all three, but I know my ‘get fit’ one will be the toughest one for me. Have you set yourself any resolutions for this year? Let me know in the comments below…