Jordan Bunker

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Packing my bags and working in London

With second term over at Bournemouth, rather than heading back home for Easter, I’m going to be working in London for some rather exciting work experience for four weeks.

I’ve always been set on fashion journalism so to be able to work with one of the world’s most recognised men’s fashion magazine is amazing. If you’ve not guessed already, I’ll be working on the at GQ on the features desk. When I finish university, I see GQ as the end goal. Ever since I started writing it’s always been about men’s fashion, so to be given the chance to work alongside some of the best writers is a fantastic opportunity for myself.

Even though I’m quite excited, I have to admit that I’m also rather nervous. The standard of writing at GQ is so high, which means I’m going to have to work extremely hard to reach those standards. For those who know me, I always put myself under pressure; so working at GQ is hopefully going to bring the best out of me writing wise. It’ll be a chance to learn and shadow the team at Vogue House and hopefully get some tips on my writing and where it can be improved

upon so that by the time I graduate, and a job opportunity possibly comes about, I can apply knowing I’ve got the writing capability.

Being Bournemouth based at times can be a real hindrance when it comes to meeting new people and attending events, so this time in London is going to allow me to meet up with plenty of like-minded creative’s. Although I’ll be working a lot of the time, I’m hoping to go and explore some more of London and take plenty of photos of the new places I visit to share on the blog in the coming weeks. Let me know if there’s any areas or places you think I should go visit!

So, as of tomorrow I’ll be making my way to London in preparation for what I expect to be a busy and exciting month ahead working for GQ! If you’re in London this April and want to meet up then let me know. Here’s to April.