1. Why can’t coffee at home look this good? Shout out to Coffee Lab for serving up this piece of art to me.
2. The weather has been so nice and warm recently, meaning numerous trips to the beach to soak it up and forget about dissertation woes. Only a month left in this amazing town.
3. I think it’s the done thing now. Find a nice house. Stand in front of it. Upload it to the Instagram feed.
4. If you’re ever in Dorset and want to visit a town that makes yours feel like it needs to buck its ideas up, it’s Poundbury.
5. I’ve managed to pick up some really nice pieces in recent weeks. These Converse and Realm & Empire trousers being two of them.
6. Oh Winchester. There are so many nice houses and flats in the city centre that makes me want to pack up and live there. I have a Winchester City Guide out so go and have a nose.
7. Emily aka dancing girl emoji has spruced up her blog and it is looking pretty damn good. Make sure you go and check it out now (but not before you’ve finished reading this!)
8. I don’t think there are many shops that look as good as Cherryade Store. They are opening an online website soon so I can’t wait to deck out my future flat with all their homeware pieces!
9. Oh London, my dissertation has consumed me and I have missed you. Hopefully when my university work is over I’ll be able to visit you more frequently!
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.