The Real Men of Italy
Not many men can dress quite like the Italians... especially the older gentleman

As you may of seen from my previous post, this past week I've been doing some travelling around Europe! I'm now waiting in the airport for my flight from Italy to London and straight into university tomorrow morning, 9am. Talk about being brought back down to earth. I'll be sharing all my travels with you soon, but for now you can find some snaps already on my instagram.
Now though, I want to pay homage to the older guys with style. Whilst in Italy I couldn't help but notice how many well dressed guys were walking by on the streets. So I ditched the traditional tourist snaps (okay I may of got a couple of the Coliseum) and opted for finding some well dressed older gents instead. Their
some well dressed older gents instead. Their personal style prowess had no hint of trend hunting and Pitti passes in sight, although many would've not looked out of place.
The men I found just had that confidence about them, from the way they walked, to the way they styled themselves. See for yourselves. The long trench, the trilby hat and oversized layering, it's all there. Ciao!
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.