Wearing glasses as a fashion accessory with Bailey Nelson
Sometimes it just takes confidence to wear glasses, even when you don't have a prescription

When I was young my eyesight used to be terrible, meaning I had to wear glasses that had the thickest of lenses. I would always be the joke of the table, passing my glasses so everyone could see how blind I was. And when I had to wear them, lets just say I wasn’t spoilt for choice on styles, not that I was particularly bothered at that age.
Now, it’s the complete opposite. There are so many styles and glasses that I think look good and in some cases actually make a person look better. But now I no longer need them I find myself a little envious. With some help from Bailey Nelson I wanted to see how wearing glasses as a fashion accessory could work.
Bailey Nelson is a fun brand that is creating some great designs at a price that isn’t off putting. I chose these Parker cosmic tortoise ones as I think they’ll add a nice touch to my normal casual look.
When it comes to glasses there are a number of shapes, so it’s always best to go in store and try them on to see which shape suits your face shape the best. I was determined to step away from the traditional lens shape that I knew far too well as a kid and went for lenses that were slightly rounded.
Just like adding trilby hat or wearing a couple of rings to your look, what’s wrong with wearing glasses to do this? I’m going to be wearing these when I feel it goes with my outfit, the same thought process when choosing a ring or hat. If it works and adds something different then I’m all for it. I won’t be using the ‘I have to wear glasses for reading’ excuse, but the more blunt, ‘because I think they look good’. Would you wear glasses as an accessory?
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.