Working collaboratively
Sheffield played host to a day of taking photos in botanical gardens, plenty of excuses for coffee and freelancer conversations that are so important in order to be successful.

Mechanics Jacket in Light Blue Herringbone
Norse Projects
Niels basic white long sleeve
Oliver Spencer
Navy pinstripe trousers
Common Projects
Original Achilles Leather Sneakers
Though I may share the occasional moan and tweet about how much time I spend on trains, I always choose a day out over a day at the desk. I met up with Mat (I know what you’re thinking… again?) and Jake Millers in Sheffield last week as they were doing some commission work in the city. I took it as a chance to tag along and take some photos of my own.
This past month I’ve been fortunate enough to work on a few sponsored projects. It is great, but they all come with deliverables. I find it amazing that I get to work on projects with brands, but you have to think: messaging, photos, words and ensuring you get everything spot on. Having this pressure does allow for extra focus, but sometimes - like this day in Sheffield - it’s nice to have ultimate freedom, take photos without having to 'think' and make the link after.
We visited The Botanical Gardens that we’d seen so much through Haarkon, enjoyed some good coffee at Upshot Espresso that I missed on my first trip to the city earlier on in the year and then the well-stocked La Biblioteka.
I take comfort in the fact that I can call Mat and Jake fellow creative’s, friends and feel safe in the knowledge that working together really does produce the best results.
Surrounding yourself with good people and taking on new ideas allows you to push your own creative input. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jake and Mat on a couple of occasions now and they really do have ‘that’ eye when it comes to photos.
Discussions of community and supporting one another is something that quite a few people have been talking about recently. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet some good people through the job that I do and one of the things I enjoy is when we can come together to help each other out and improve our content. Within the group I've been able to become a part of, we all support each other and ignore negativity. It's not about trying to be friends with everyone, but connecting with those that you respect and share common ground with.
Next on the list for me is LFWM. I’m heading down to London for Fashion Week on Friday and I’m sure they’ll be plenty of familiar faces around. If you’re there, make sure you get in touch! It’s a great chance to connect and collaborate with people I’ve shared conversations with online.jbicon
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.