Desk Essentials
The desk is where I spend most of my time. How much of that time I spend productively is questionable, but nonetheless I’m at it by 9am most mornings. And I’ll only feel ready to open up my laptop when I have a clean desk. Things come and go in order to keep things fresh, but for the most part, I keep it the same.

My desk was a DIY job courtesy of Bunker snr (Happy Father’s Day to all the dad’s out there yesterday) and we just painted it white. At the minute I can’t justify a lot of money on a desk. When I do, I’ll be shooting Dan Marc a message - but alas, a dream for a future workspace.
So starting with what triggers most content ideas is my reading material. On the right of my desk is a print read or two for when I lack inspiration – currently it’s TMRW magazine and MR PORTER post. When I’m struggling for a turn of phrase, I find having a couple magazines nearby handy. On the other side, I keep my Moleskine notebook for jotting down ideas that come and go before I have a chance to write it down and my Bellroy passport holder that I take with me everywhere.
To be productive, it's important to enjoy being in your workspace.
Next is stationery. Currently I have it down to a few items that are contained in my HAY ‘Uu’ organiser. Keeping it HAY themed I also have one of their laptop brushes. Some might call this unneeded, but there’s something about starting the day with a clean keyboard that sits well with me.
I think I’ve shared this with you before that to be productive, it's important to enjoy being in your workspace. So having a candle burning while I’m working helps with this. At the minute I’m using a new candle from Hudson & Co. It’s one of those that still smells ace even when it’s not burning.
The last few bits that complete the make up of my desk are: a watch, my iPhone that probably hinders my workflow more than helps, and then some hand cream. I’m really interested to learn how everyone else stays organised to prevent wishing for extra hours in the day. jbicon
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.