Growing Up
Is it wrong that I enjoy a meal and drinks more than a night out now?

When The White Star Tavern got in touch to see if I would like to visit their restaurant in Southampton I initially said no. I feel I don’t really know enough to talk about food that well and there is plenty of cool food blogs out there, The Bearded Bakery being one of them. But then I had a change of heart because I wanted to talk about something that I think a lot of students can relate to food wise.
There comes a time, whether that be in your first year of university, or like me in your last, when nights out stop being fun. It’s something about them that just doesn’t appeal to me anymore. What I enjoy now instead is good food and a couple of drinks that become a welcome break from student cooking. Hopefully that doesn’t make me sound extremely old.
The White Star Tavern is exactly the kind of place where I have that balance of being able to go out with a group friends for a few drinks, or a nice meal with
Emily. I’m able to have a really enjoyable time and in a really nice space, without even worrying over the factthat I’ll have a hangover the next day. On this occasion we were able to have a drink each and a couple courses - the duck breast is a winner! - and forget about the fact I have a dissertation to finish.
And I think I’m not the only one who has got over it. I speak to some friends at university and so many people are almost in shock that someone else feels the same. Too much can upset a night out and instead I avoid all that. I think I’m growing up far quicker than I thought I would and with it being close to the end of my degree, it’s all very timely. If anyone else feels like this let me know so I don’t feel too old in the last few months of my student years.
Could 2023 be the ultimate year of sustainability for fashion? Probably not, but there are some positive things happening if you look for them.